Leadership Message
Welcome and thank you for choosing to support Anchorage Cops for Community. This organization thrives thanks to contributions from across the state, and we wanted to take a few moments to highlight your impact.
We are supported by many volunteers in a variety of ways - in-person attendance at events, donating services from a business, and offering to share lessons from previous experiences just to name a few! We could not do this without you and your continued desire for a more connected community.
We are excited to find new ways we can collaborate throughout Anchorage and reach our ultimate goal - showing each person they are valued not only as an individual but as a part of the greater good.
Joe Ruble, Katie Bailey, Bonnie Mirenda, & Bob Doehl
Anchorage Cops for Community Leadership
Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world; indeed, it’s the only thing that ever has.
- Margaret Mead
How can you help?
If you're interested in volunteering, donating resources, or seeking assistance, please complete this form for more information.