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Special Olympics Law Enforcement Torch Run

The 2025 Alaska Law Enforcement Torch Run and Pledge Drive takes place simultaneously in 16 communities across the state. The run starts at 10 a.m. on Saturday, May 17 when a cadre of law enforcement members lead the 5K family fun run in the following communities: Anchorage, Central Peninsula, Craig, Delta Junction, Homer, Juneau, Kodiak, Nome, Seward, Sitka, Valdez, Ketchikan, Mat-Su Valley, North Slope, Tanana Valley, and Unalaska. It is expected to be the largest simultaneous multi-community running event held in Alaska this year, with a goal of raising $150,000 for Special Olympics Alaska communities.

Orchestrated by the Alaska Law Enforcement community, the Torch Run and Pledge Drive is open to both law enforcement officers and the general public. Walkers, runners, joggers, strollers and rollerblades are welcome to participate in this family fun run both in-person or virtually, and can share their photos & videos online. All the funds raised stay within the local community to help support sports training and competition.

You can learn more about this even and obtain a pledge form HERE

May 8

Board Meeting

June 12

Board Meeting